How To Save Energy When Air Conditioning Is A Must

How to save energy when air conditioning is a must
Every year, when the scorching heat knocks our door, we seek for respite in cool air conditioners. The split AC keeps the temperature cool and the atmosphere pleasant. While we can always find ways to keep our 'home sweet home' cool without turning AC, air conditioning cannot be escaped when the summer temperatures start busting high and the humidity starts sweeping in.
1. Turn on the Sleep Mode 22 degrees is a good point for an AC to run at its optimal performance level during day time. Turn your AC down before going to sleep as during the night hours you don't require the same level of conscious cool. Utilize the "sleep mode" if your AC has one which is particularly designed to save the energy though a timer.
2. Pay attention to vents Use an AC of less capacity, particularly when you want to cool a small. An obstructed vent wastes energy. Furniture that obstructs AC vents could be cooling the back of a chair or the bottom side of your sofa. Keep furniture away from vents and window ACs and trim shrubbery, which might potentially block outside vents. While there are plenty of plastic pieces that you can buy for your vents to help force air in the right direction, the easiest way is to just rearrange your furniture, even if for the time being. Close all the vents in the lower portion of your home as the basement is customarily the coolest room in the house. By closing those vents, the cool air will slink down there, that too naturally.
3. Opt for 5 stars split AC Split air conditioner is an ideal choice for a spacious room. Though window AC is easy to install and relatively affordable, split air conditioners on the other hand operate silently and circulate cool air evenly in the room. Offering high performance cooling, each of the stars rated Split AC from reputed brand such as Samsung is Bureau of Energy Efficiency certified. Samsung split ACs deliver pleasant air conditioning experience with their smart features and better power efficiency.
Opting for 5 stars energy saving model would mean low noise level, digital temperature display, turbo cooling, auto restart, air swing modes, and dust removal functionality. Being energy efficient, split air conditioners are best to cut down the electricity bills. Samsung split ACs are perfect combination of performance, design and latest cooling technology to combat the soaring temperature.
Available in 1.0 TR, 1.5 TR and 2.0 TR, every Samsung AC is engineered for less power consumption, the latest Samsung Split ACs come with features like anti bacteria coating, anti-corrosion coating, Allergan filter, Multi jet plus technology and more.
4. Watch your windows and doors While you're away in another room, reset your AC at maximum temperature, only after making sure the windows and drapes are closed. Use landscaping and overhangs to provide shade around the outside of your home as a shaded house can make a 10 degree difference in temperature. Install reflective films or solar shade screens on windows. Weather-strip and caulk your doors and windows to seal in cooled air.
5. Use fan with AC: One can save 80 to 90 percent on cooling costs by using fans instead of central air conditioning. As we rely on AC to keep things cool, having the help of a few supplemental fans doesn't hurt. Using them to circulate the cool air means you use less energy than your air conditioner unit.
6. Get it serviced regularly The basic maintenance is all your air conditioner needs. Proper maintenance helps your AC run more proficiently. In addition to usual DIY maintenance, it’s always a good idea to have your entire system checked by an expert.
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