Black Pepper
Black Pepper
Black pepper is one of the most commonly-used spices in Western cuisine. Besides taking a meal to the next level, it can also provide relief from inflammation.
What's Inside Black Pepper?
Black pepper contains piperine, which is a chemical compound that prevents inflammation. Black pepper is effective on its own primarily thanks to piperine and other compounds.
Black pepper can also be used in combination with curcumin, as it helps the body absorb curcumin.
Bell peppers—especially the bright-red ones—are high in antioxidants and low in starch. Similar to spicy peppers, sweet bell peppers contain the chemical compound capsaicin, which is known to help reduce inflammation and potentially even pain.
Black pepper is widely available everywhere, from grocery stores to drug stores. It is a commonly used spice and can be added to foods and ingested orally.